From our LBH Parks Development Officer, Bruce Irving
“Millfields Masterplan
The Millfields Park User group identified a number of projects from the masterplan as their priority for the park, the improvement of play facilities in the park was one of these. It is the intention to use £100k of funding sourced from Section 106 agreements derived from developments around Millfields to deliver improvements to the existing play area. We are currently awaiting internal approvals to progress with this project. The redevelopment of the play area will be undertaken in association with the local community and consultation will take place enabling individuals to feed their views in to the improvements.
Project 9 of the Millfields masterplan is also being explored. A new path is being designed which will connect the central path running through South Millfields with the existing path running alongside the River Lea and the waste transfer station. Once a path line has been drafted, it will be passed to the user group and other interested parties for their comment. At this point in time there is no confirmation on whether the external funding proposed for this development is available.
A licence exists between National Grid and LBH enabling an area of the park to be used to aid the construction of the substation upgrade at Millfields. This licence agreement will provide an income £34k to LBH annually for the duration of the 7 year agreement. The agreement commenced on 1st October 2007. The monies paid to date are currently residing in a ring fenced account within the parks budget for the delivery of priority projects from the Millfields Masterplan as agreed by the Millfields User Group and Hackney Councils Parks Department. This fund currently totals approximately £120k.”