Millfields User Group is a group of local people who love the park and want to see it maintained and developed for local residents. This includes improving biodiversity in the park for the benefit of our birds, insects and other wildlife. We liaise with the Council on things like litter and graffiti, cycling routes, maintenance problems, tree planting, and events in the park. We also have an input into park projects and management plans.
Please join us if you would like to have a say about how your park is run. We meet about every two months, currently on Zoom. Meetings are usually held in the evening at 19.00. You can join us for one meeting, or every meeting.
If you don’t want to come to meetings you can sign up to our newsletter to find out what we’re doing and how you can join in. We are currently looking at organising litter picks, watering newly planted trees, improving biodiversity in the park, organising the Tree Circle Cinema in the summer, more children’s activities, walks and talks, and planning more community tree planting in early winter.
The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are elected every year at the AGM (the next one is in April 2022).
Chair – Christine Kings
Treasurer – Bhavesh Hindocha
Secretary – vacant
Biodiversity officer – Gillian Harris