New Woodland Strip

Over 1600 whips (small bare-rooted trees) were planted by volunteers in December to create a woodland strip across the north end (Lea Bridge Road end) of the Cricketfield. The three days planting attracted around 150 volunteers who planted a mix of native trees including: hazel; spindle; hawthorn; dogwood; blackthorn; and wild cherry. Many birds have since been seen feeding in this area including mistle thrushes (red list), starlings (red list), goldfinches, and great tits.

We also helped plant 5000 heritage English bluebells in the native tree biome on Millfields park made by Tree Musketeers volunteers. English bluebells, a protected part of ancient woodlands, will provide a spring source of wild pollen and nectar for native bees and other park pollinators. Dead wood loggeries have also been added to the park to provide nesting sites for solitary bees.


Next MUG Meeting

The User Group will next meet on Tuesday 14 January to discuss priorities for the park. We have been granted some monies through National Grid as compensation for the disruption caused by the cable works over the last 18 months. Our priorities during this time have been to get the basketball area resurfaced and get new nets fixed; install some table tennis tables; request new noticeboards; create new information boards for the orchard and for the mini-woodlands in North Millfields; buy some new park furniture (benches and wheelchair accessible picnic tables; put a mosaic on the wall between the sub-station and the new children’s playground in South Millfields; and to get the kiosk in North Millfields functioning again.

The meeting will be on Zoom and will start at 19.30. If you’d like to join please email:  for a link.