Over 1600 whips (small bare-rooted trees) were planted by volunteers in December to create a woodland strip across the north end (Lea Bridge Road end) of the Cricketfield. The three days planting attracted around 150 volunteers who planted a mix of native trees including: hazel; spindle; hawthorn; dogwood; blackthorn; and wild cherry. Many birds have since been seen feeding in this area including mistle thrushes (red list), starlings (red list), goldfinches, and great tits.

We also helped plant 5000 heritage English bluebells in the native tree biome on Millfields park made by Tree Musketeers volunteers. English bluebells, a protected part of ancient woodlands, will provide a spring source of wild pollen and nectar for native bees and other park pollinators. Dead wood loggeries have also been added to the park to provide nesting sites for solitary bees.