Tag Archives: group meetings

September Open Meeting decisions

The group’s Open Meeting on 17 September decided to:
  • Go ahead with the orchard path on the lines decided in April. You should see signs of this starting soon. All the work will be done by hand
You can see the minutes here (with the agenda and treasurer’s report).

Next meeting: Wednesday 7 December, evening. Venue to be announced.
But don’t wait for the meeting – have your say here.

Meeting: Nature in the Park

We look forward to seeing you on Monday evening, 11 April, at the Millfields User Group meeting, 7 for 7.30 at the Nye Bevan Community Hall, Overbury St E5 OAH.

We’ll be focusing on biodiversity (ie wildlife & habitats) in the park, and the proposals to manage parts of the park to improve habitat & increase its inhabitants. The park is already a designated Site of Interest for Nature Conservation (SINC), with lots of interesting resources and possibilities. We hope to continue building a group of park users who are thoroughly involved in understanding this aspect of the park, planning its management and doing practical work.

There will be tea from 7 pm, with a bit of a display to get us thinking & talking. If you have photos or observations of wildlife in the park, please do bring them along to add to the display.

We’ll start the meeting prompt at 7.30. There will be a bit of procedural business to do, as the group has a backlog of minutes to approve, but we hope that we can spend almost all the evening on this very exciting topic.

There is a poster here. We hope you can print and display in it your window, a shop, school, etc.

The two background documents on biodiversity can be seen at our Plans page. They are:
  • The initial habitat survey by the London Wildlife Trust. The subtitle management plan 2010-15 is misleading because we have already moved on from its proposals. 
  • The current version of the implementation proposals drawn up by MUG and LBH.